Beneficiary: Suceava County Hospital
Starting with the year 2009, the County Hospital Sfântul Ioan cel Nou from Suceava entered a major modernization process. Along the years, internal sanitary works, thermal installations and electric wiring works were executed, high and low intensities, works consisting of dismantling the old objects and others within the facilities, works executed onto the oncology, neurology, infectious, dermatology sections, as well as inside the thermal plant building.
Starting with the year 2009, the County Hospital Sfântul Ioan cel Nou from Suceava entered a major modernization process. Along the years, internal sanitary works, thermal installations and electric wiring works were executed, high and low intensities, works consisting of dismantling the old objects and others within the facilities, works executed onto the oncology, neurology, infectious, dermatology sections, as well as inside the thermal plant building.